Bongs Canada
There’s a lot of truth in Cypress Hill’s hit about hits from the bong. Bongs are a convenient way to smoke weed, they’re not as messy as joints, and you can do a big hit from a small one. Bongs also come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, with features like percolators, downstems, and more. But they all have one thing in common: they’re made up of a few basic parts. Resource
A bong is basically a water pipe with a chamber (where you put your Cannabis) and a tube for you to draw the smoke from. Water in the chamber cools and filters the smoke before it goes to your lungs, making for smoother hits.
When Patrick Vrolyk first started blowing glass pipes for a living 20 years ago, he went by the alias “Redbeard,” like his facial hair. He protected his identity because in the past, police crackdowns have targeted shops that sell marijuana-related paraphernalia.
Exploring the World of Bongs in Canada
Now that recreational cannabis is legal in Canada, Vrolyk’s business makes at least a couple million dollars a year. He says he knows there are a few hundred people like him in Canada who make and sell bongs, pipes, and other devices to recreational cannabis smokers.
Before you start smoking from your new bong, it’s important to make sure that it’s clean. A dirty bong can lead to clogs and a bad smoking experience. So, before you begin, make sure to clean your bong and all of its accessories with warm water. Then, use a cloth or cotton swab to wipe down the interior of the bowl and the downstream. Rinse well, and let dry completely before using again.