Causes of Geranium Leaves Yellow

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Geraniums are popular and easy to grow, but yellow leaves can be a sign of trouble. There are several causes of geranium leaves yellow, including too much water or not enough sunlight. In addition, a fungal disease called Pelargonium rust can also cause yellowing of the leaves on geraniums.

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A geranium plant that receives too much water can begin to show signs of it right away, especially if the yellowing is concentrated on the lower leaves. Overwatering is often caused by soggy soil, which can lead to root rot and other problems for a geranium plant. To avoid overwatering, water your geranium when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Water slowly and deeply to ensure the roots get the most amount of moisture possible.

Not Enough Sunlight

A lack of sun can also turn a geranium leaf yellow, and it is usually the older leaves that are first affected. This is due to the fact that geraniums are very sun-loving plants and they need to get plenty of sunlight in order to thrive. To avoid this, move your geranium to a sunnier location if possible.

Nutritional Deficiencies

If the geranium is indoors or overwintered outdoors, it may be adjusting to the colder temperatures and reduced humidity levels when it first begins showing signs of yellowing. These symptoms are likely to be a result of not having enough nutrients to carry out photosynthesis. In particular, a deficiency in magnesium can be responsible for yellowing geraniums, as this is necessary to fuel the green chloroplast pigments. A balanced fertilizer should be used to correct this problem.

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