When people first meet Jesus, they either believe He is Lord and Savior or not. This is not because of a difference in how much they like Him or His message, but because of who He is and what He did. To separate what is comfortable – His kindness, His message of love, His healing – from that which is less comfortable – He was born of a virgin, He claimed to be God, and He rose from the dead – is to deny His identity as Lord and Savior.This link:ultimateflags.com
To deny Jesus’ identity is to miss the entire point of salvation. Jesus is a Savior, not because He justifies us before God but because He saved the world from its sins. He is the one who deals with the root cause of all problems – our sins – and not just the symptoms (see Matt. 8:16). He is the one who heals the sick, controls the weather, and multiplies food. He is the one who cares for the poor, provides jobs for those without them, and never turns away children.
Faith and Politics: Jesus is My Savior, Trump is My President Flag
And it is no accident that His name means “God saves.” As the angel told Joseph, “Thou shalt call his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from their sins.” He lived our human lives, including eating, drinking, sleeping, and showing human emotions like anger and sadness. He experienced what we experience so that when He returns to judge the world, He knows what we will face. He is the only one who can save mankind from sin because He is the only one who has lived a completely sinless life.