Incassobureau No Cure No Pay debit is the fastest, most convenient way to settle your debt with us. It eliminates the need to send payments manually each month and prevents lost or misplaced payments. It also allows you to avoid fees incurred by paying by credit card.
Maximizing Debt Recovery with No Cure, No Pay Direct Debit: A Comprehensive Guide
It is well known that tensions between the pharmaceutical industry and health authorities are growing. The latter want rational pharmacotherapy, and the industry needs to get money for their drugs. A no cure, no pay strategy would help both sides: the authorities get their money back for ineffective medicines and the drug company can promote its product by claiming it provides therapeutic value. However, before the no cure, no pay concept can be extended to other markets, a number of important issues need to be addressed. These include the possible abuse of this policy as cheap marketing, the reservations of healthcare funders and patients about this strategy, and the need for practical and ethical guidelines.