Social Emotional Mental Health

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Assessment of semh (often abbreviated to SEMH) refers to the ways in which a person can cope with emotions and deal with challenging behaviour. It also includes how a person can interact with other people and their environment and the relationships they have with family, friends and community.

The term ‘social and emotional wellbeing’ replaced the terms BESD (Behavioural Emotional Social Development) and SEND (Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties) in 2014. It is now included in the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

In general, having a wide range of close relationships and social connections is good for your mental and emotional health. These relationships can provide a sense of stability and security that helps you to manage stressors in your life. They can also help to reduce anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem and improve empathy.

The Heart of Well-Being: Understanding the Importance of Social-Emotional Mental Health

Research has shown that students who can talk about their feelings have healthy friendships and a strong sense of community and are less likely to suffer from emotional distress, self-harm, or substance abuse. For these reasons, educators are increasingly embracing social-emotional learning in their classrooms.

At GoGuardian, we’re committed to student social-emotional well-being and work with schools to support their SEL efforts. We also offer Beacon, which alerts schools of suicide and self-harm activity online. Learn more about our work here.

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